Intitulé du laboratoire : Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Industrielle et en Réseaux (RIIR)
Directeur du laboratoire : Pr KECHAR Bouabdellah
Chef de projet PNR « S2IEA » : Pr KECHAR Bouabdellah
Intitulé du projet : Système d’irrigation intelligent et durable pour exploitations agricoles – S2IEA
Objet : Organisation d’une manifestation scientifique
Le 15 Décembre 2024
Lieu : Campus II Ex-IGMO, Salle de Conférence de FSEA, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
التقنيات المتطورة للأمن الغذائي في الجزائر
“Study Day on Advanced technologies for food security in Algeria”
“Technologies avancées pour la sécurité alimentaire en Algérie”
« Nouvelles technologies low cost pour une agriculture moderne et durable en Algérie »
- Président d’honneur : Pr. Hamadouche Mohamed, Doyen de la faculté des Sciences Exactes et Appliquées – Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
- Responsable de la journée : Pr KECHAR Bouabdellah, Directeur du laboratoire RIIR, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Comité d’organisation
Pr Kechar Bouabdellah, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Pr Benyamina Abou El Hassane, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Pr Abdi Mustapha Kamel, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Dr Bidai Zahia, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Dr Dahane Amine, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Dr Bidai Yasmina, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Mr Benmoussa Djelloul, Direction des Services Agricoles de la Wilaya d’Oran
Mme Djellouli Aicha, Direction des Services Agricoles de la Wilaya d’Oran
Mr Tighzert Kamel, Direction des Services Agricoles de la Wilaya d’Oran
Mr Benmohra Walid, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Mr Gada Ayoub, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Mr Houaoui Marouane, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Melle Maameri Meriem, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d’Oran (ENPO Maurice Audin)
Melle Belferroum Amira, Université ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
– 8h30-9h00 : Accueil des participants
– 9h00-9h30 : Mots de bienvenue par Pr KECHAR Bouabdellah (Directeur du laboratoire RIIR), Mme la Directrice de la DSA d’ORAN et Pr. HAMADOUCHE Mohamed (Doyen de la faculté des SciencesExactes et Appliquées),
– 9h30-10h15 : « Advancing scientific research solutions in water resources management to support the food security in mediterranean region. Challenges and perspectives collaboration», Pr Sami Touil, Université de Khemis Meliana (Algérie)
– 10h15-10h45 : Pause-café
– 10h45-11h45 : « Projets socio-économiques – LAB RIIR : Survey et Présentation du projet PNR S2IEA », Pr KECHAR Bouabdellah (Directeur du laboratoire RIIR)
– 11h45-12h15 : Solution S2IEA : « Intelligent Long-Term Soil Moisture Monitoring via Deep Transfer Learning », Dr DAHANE Amine
– 12h15-13h30 : Déjeuner
– 13h30- 14h15 : «Smart Agriculture in the South of Algeria: Challenges and Opportunities», Dr. BOUROUIS Amina, Université de Bechar (Algérie)
– 14h15-15h00 : Atelier : « Présentation d’un Système intelligent de fertigation de nouvelle génération avec Démo», Dr BENDIMERAD Nawel (ENPO)
– 15h00-16h00 : Projets d’innovation
o Etude de cas 1 : « Système de monitoring appliqué à l’aquaculture », Mr BRAHIMI Sofiane (Laboratoire RIIR)
o Etude de cas 2 : « Système intelligent de monitoring d’un poulailler », Melle BELFERROUM Amira
– 16h00-16h30 : Recommandations & Clôture
Liste des participants (environ 100 personnes : organisateurs, académiques, agriculteurs, socio-économiques, presse)

University of ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Kechar Bouabdella
Kechar Bouabdellah is full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella University, Algeria where he received his Ph.D. in 2010. He has authored several journal publications, refereed conference publications and book chapters. He has been a member of the technical program and organizing committees of several international conferences and workshops. He also serves as a referee of renowned journals. His current research interests include IoT, AI/ML/DL/FL in networking, autonomous systems, mobile wireless sensor/actuator networks, with special emphasis on radio resource management techniques, performance modelling, provisioning QoS and practical societal and industrial applications. He has supervised and co-supervised several undergraduate graduate students in these areas. He has co-founded in 2011 the laboratory of industrial computing and networking (RIIR). He is currently Director of RIIR laboratory and head of a research team on networks and QoS. Pr Kechar is involved in several national/international projects: Prima INTEL-IRRIS, PNR, PRFU. Smart Agriculture in the South of Algeria: Challenges and Opportunities
Title of the talk:
Projets socio-économiques – LAB RIIR : Survey et Présentation des projet PNR Intel-Irris et S2IEA
IoT, Agriculture de précision, irrigation intelligente, IA/ML/DL/FL/RL
Nous présentons dans ce talk les projets de recherche socio-économiques réalisés et en cours menés par le laboratoire RIIR ces dernières années. Il s’agit du projet de coopération internaltionale Intel-IrriS sur l’irrigation intélligente qui traite une approche de conception mono-ferme, et du projet national de recherche (PNR) S2IEA sur l’irrigation et l’étude de la qualité de l’eau dans le contexte multi-fermes. Des produits technologiques réaslisés dans ces projets seront également présentés durant ce talk.
Amine Dahane
Amine Dahane holds a Master’s degree in Computer Systems and Networks from the University of Bechar (2011) and earned his Ph.D. in Electronics from the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO) in 2017. An accomplished academic and researcher, he specializes in cutting-edge fields, including wireless sensor networks, cybersecurity, smart farming, machine learning, deep learning, federated learning, precision agriculture, and water quality monitoring. Currently serving as a lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Sciences and Applied Techniques, University of Oran 1, Dr. Dahane is dedicated to advancing innovative solutions at the intersection of technology and sustainability. His research focuses on integrating intelligent systems to address real-world challenges, particularly in agriculture and environmental monitoring.
Title of the talk:
Intelligent Long-Term Soil Moisture Monitoring via Deep Transfer Learning
IoT, Smart Irrigation, Deep learning, Transfer learning, Sensing.
Water scarcity has become a pressing global challenge, with increasing recognition that advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT), particularly in sensing and communication technologies combined with artificial intelligence (AI), hold the potential to provide effective solutions. The S2IEA project has developed an affordable irrigation kit designed for small-scale farmers, incorporating soil moisture and temperature sensors. In this presentation, we propose a soil moisture forecasting model utilizing an Attention-based 1D CNN-BiLSTM architecture to improve the accuracy of long-term predictions. To address the issue of limited data in newly deployed kits, we employ transfer learning techniques. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, achieving a high R² value of 0.9481 and a low mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.0426 for a 24-hour time step in the Pau region of France. Moreover, the integration of transfer learning significantly enhanced the forecasting model’s accuracy in data-scarce regions, reinforcing its practical applicability in diverse farming environments.

DR.Amine Dahane
University of ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Sami Touil
Sami Touil earned a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences and Biological Engineering from Gembloux Agrobiotech, Liège University, Belgium, in 2018. He is associate professor at Djilali Bounaama University in Khemis Miliana., the head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the same university from 2018 to 2020. Sami Touil contributed to various national and international research projects in irrigation and water management, soil hydrology, and renewable energies (Terra, PRFU, PNR, ArimNet2/VIANA, PRIMA). He is currently director of the Research Laboratory “Precision Agriculture, Environment, and Sustainable Development (APEDD)”
Title of the talk:
Advancing scientific research solutions in water resources management to support the food security in mediterranean region. Challenges and perspectives collaboration.
Water resources management; food security; mediterranean region
Effective management of water resources is recognized as a key element of ecologically sustainable development. Several research activities focused on these topics in the food security approach within the Mediterranean areas. Moreover, the innovative outcomes will support the food security challenges and anticipated the solutions in practices, linked the food system with water management, ecosystem services and healthy diets.
Climate changes and the extreme weather conditions influence the water resources, natural environment and socio-economic development. According to a study by the World Resources Institute, under the pressure of a growing population more than 50% of Mediterranean countries will be classified at a very high level of water stress in 2030. The environmental, social and economic sustainability of these areas is essential to combat the effects of climate change and promote policies ensuring food security. This resource is under pressure from many agents and sectors, mainly the overexploitation of freshwater resources, population growth, urbanization, industrialization and climate change. Effective management of water resources is recognized as a key element of ecologically sustainable development. Several research activities focused on these topics in the food security approach within the Mediterranean areas. Moreover, this outcomes will support the food security challenges and anticipated the solutions in practices, linked the food system with water management, ecosystem services and healthy diets.
Advancing scientific research solutions in water resources management is crucial for supporting food security in the Mediterranean region. This endeavor presents numerous challenges and offers promising perspectives for collaboration.
The challenges in this domain are multifaceted. They include addressing the growing water scarcity exacerbated by climate change, managing competing demands for water resources from various sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and urban development, and ensuring equitable access to water for all stakeholders. Additionally, there is a need to develop innovative technologies and practices for efficient water use, enhance ecosystem resilience to water-related stressors, and integrate water management strategies with broader efforts to promote sustainable development.
Despite these challenges, there are promising perspectives for collaboration in advancing scientific research solutions. Collaborative efforts among researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders can facilitate the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources to address complex water management issues. International partnerships and networks can leverage collective strengths and experiences to develop innovative approaches tailored to the specific context of the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate insights from various fields, such as hydrology, ecology, economics, and social sciences, can lead to holistic and integrated solutions that address the interconnected challenges of water resources management and food security.
In conclusion, prioritizing scientific research solutions in water resources management is paramount for bolstering food security in the Mediterranean region. Through concerted efforts to tackle challenges and cultivate collaboration, we can craft impactful strategies and interventions. These measures will not only advocate for sustainable water utilization but also fortify food production and distribution systems. Ultimately, this collaborative approach will bolster the resilience of communities, enabling them to better navigate water-related risks and uncertainties in the future.

DR.Sami Touil
University of Khemis-Miliana

Dr. Amina Bourouis
University Tahri Mohamed-Béchar
Amina Bourouis
Amina Bourouis, received her CS bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 2011 and 2013 respectively, from the University of Tahri Mohammed-Bechar, Algeria, and her PhD from the University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia in 2019. Currently, she is an associate professor at the University of Tahri Mohammed-Bechar, teaching DevOps, Algorithmics and Grid Computing within the Maths and Computer Sciences department. Her research interests include formal verification, automata theory, Web services, IoT, smart Agriculture and security.
Title of the talk:
Smart Agriculture in the South of Algeria:Challenges and Opportunities
Smart agriculture, aquaculture, apiculture, IoT
Food security is the modern world’s primary challenge. Climate change, water scarcity and political disasters continue to endanger the production and distribution of food, an essential element of survival on earth. Without food, no country or culture can hope to prosper. Algeria, the largest country in Africa, has a growing population of over forty million, and has been importing most of its food needs from overseas. To ensure sovereignty as well as resilience in the face of climate and political instability, the Algerian government and its researchers must improve agricultural practices and boost yield. In recent years, and with abundant water and good quality soil in its oases, the Algerian south has become a cornerstone in solving the food security challenge in this country. The Algerian south is large and mostly unarable though, thus requiring innovative practices to ensure high quantity and quality crops. Subscribing to solving these issues, this work aims at the development of smart and cost-efficient agricultural solutions that cover agriculture, aquaculture, apiculture and their integrations for the purpose of implementing sustainable and variable food sources’ practices.
Nawel Bendimerad is an assistant professor in the department of Computer Systems Engineering at the National Polytechnic School of Oran (ENPO). She is currently in charge ofthe training “Networks and Telecommunications” at ENPO. She is a researcher at Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella University, Algeria where she received her Master’s degree (Magister) in computer science in 2010. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in the area of wireless video sensor networks from Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella University in 2015. Since 2008 she has been doing research in wireless sensor networks. She has authored several research papers published in international journals and conferences proceedings. Her current research area focuses on IoT,routing, energy consumption, quality of service and coverage in directional sensor networks.She has supervised several undergraduate students in these areas.
Title of the talk:
Next-Generation Smart Fertigation System
Next-Generation Smart Fertigation System
Facing the growing challenges of resource scarcity and environmental degradation, we propose an intelligent fertigation system that leverages the internet of things and artificial intelligence for sustainable precision agriculture. The objective is to optimize the use of water and nutrient resources, while maximizing agricultural yields.The proposed system relies on a wireless sensor network deployed in the fields to collect real-time data on environmental conditions (soil moisture, temperature, NPK levels, etc.) and crop status. This data feeds machine learning models that analyze the specific needs of plants at each growth stage to determine the necessary and sufficient water and fertilizer inputs. An intelligent irrigation and fertilization system then ensures optimal and dynamic management of these resources.A functional prototype has been implemented. Obtained results suggest that this intelligent fertigation approach would allow for water and fertilizer savings, while maintaining optimal yields and improved crop resilience to climate hazards. The system thus represents a relevant solution to meet the challenges of sustainable, profitable, and environmentally friendly agriculture.

National Polytechnic School of Oran

Amira Belferroum (master degree)
University of ORAN1 Ahmed Benbella
Amira Belferroum
Amira Belferroum is a 2024 graduate in Decision Support and Intelligent Systems from Ahmed Ben Bella University, Oran 1. She is deeply passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL), with a strong interest in developing applications, websites, and intelligent systems.
Amira’s work focuses on leveraging AI/ML/DL technologies to address real-world challenges, particularly in intelligent decision-making and emerging technologies. She has actively contributed to projects such as environmental monitoring, predictive analytics, and automation during her time at the RIIR lab, where she demonstrated her ability to integrate AI into practical applications.
She is excited to further her journey in software development, AI research, and web development, striving to create innovative and impactful solutions that enhance human experiences and improve daily life.
Title of the talk:
monitoring and controling in real time at poultry farm using technology advances.
monitoring and controling in real time at poultry farm using technology advances.
Our project deals with monitoring and controlling environmental changes inside the poultry farm, how birds are affected by it, the cause of unexplained deaths and how we can treat this problem at lower costs. For this graduation project, we addressed these aspects of the task using advanced solutions, where we created an dashboard for real-time monitoring of environmental changes and alerting farmers in email about changes in the inside of the unwanted and giving him all reports to make a decision quickly before the situation worsens.